Friday, April 7, 2017

Local Book Fair ~ Unique Opportunity to Sell Your Book

A local book fair is an ideal place to display and sell your book.

The Assistant Manager of a public library had this advice about every upcoming book fair:

"Immediately phone the manager of the library, and ask if you can be part of the fair ... , even if you are too late to register. Most librarians would love to have a latecomer like you. Getting actual authors to participate in something like this is usually quite difficult."

Tables are often hosted by a book publisher, and several authors may be from that publisher. Nevertheless, ask to be at the first open table. Then, make your table-space as attractive and comfortable for the attendees as possible. Have a stack of your book at hand, in addition to 2 or3 copies you expect potential buyers to browse. You might also spread out several book jackets for perusal. 

  • Provide an attractive, lined note pad for purchasers to print the name of the person or persons to whom you'll autograph your book. Have them list each person separately if they are buying more than one copy.
  • Provide 4 or 5 pens for their convenience.
  • Create, or have printed, bookmarkers featuring your book.(*)
  • Scatter a supply of your business card for easy pickup.

(*) Economical bookmark ~ On 8 1/2"x11" colored stock paper, you can print 4 abreast, using columns. Leave room at the top to punch a hole. Using a papercutter, cut the bookmarks apart. Insert several strands of yarn in the hole and form a tassle by tying a knot in them.

Along with a .jpg of your book cover, provide information about the book. Include purchasing information, and your website. Personally sign each bookmark. Add a .jpg of yourself if you wish.


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