Friday, July 6, 2012

Jennifer Donohoe Speaks to the World of Technology For Promoting Books

What to do?
Promoting a Book in this World of Technology
© by Jennifer Donohoe

Promoting a book in the world of technology can be a daunting task. However, there are new and inventive ways of getting that book out to the public through the technological advances we’ve enjoyed over the past ten years. I work with adolescents on a daily basis. It seems they cannot peel themselves away from their cell phones, iPods, e-readers, or computers. They live, breathe, and eat social media. Whatever is out there, they will find it. Believe me, this is true.

One of my clients felt inclined to share the “Butt Crack Song” with me. Yes, it exists.

Granted, young adult genres and children’s genres would benefit the most from it, but adults are slowing falling in place too. Other genres could reap the benefits of utube, facebook, and other book reading sites, such as Goodreads, Shelflari, BookDaily, and Your Book Authors.

There are several software programs available that can also help promote your story. IClone, Poser, and Daz Studio are 3D programs that can add more spice to your novel and reach those social network crazed adolescents.

I currently work with Poser Pro. This program allows the creator to make single 2D photos or 3D movies. Photos of the characters add more dimension by allowing the readers to connect to them in a deeper sense. I’ve not managed the expertise to create book trailers, but it is a definite boost to most genres.

The author should investigate the social media available then decide what will help get their book noticed in the mass of other books that are out there. Today, authors have to become more than writers if they want to survive the growing diverse media concepts popping up on a day-to-day basis. The old publishing world is slowly descending into history and the new more tech-savvy people will grasp the software available to them.

Writing is important to an author and the majority of their available time should be spent writing and honing their craft. Several people now offer help to these authors to promote and reach the millions surfing the Internet. Investigating these services could benefit an author’s future success. With the onslaught of new software, YouTube, Facebook, and other social medias, finding the right fit for your book is important.

Research…research…research. It’s time to embrace the future and flow with the times if any author wants to be a success.

Daz Studio 4 offers the full version as a free download for a while on the program's website. [The price of the full version is usually $300 - $400.]

Download the hexagon while you're there too, as this program helps build characters and objects that Daz Studio, Poser, or IClone may not have.

Jennifer Donohe, authored The Legend of the Travelers: Willow's Journey. Available at It has been featured on A.D. Trosper's blog.