Help with resume

CV, the old Latin biography, means "life events". This document is a kind of business card in which you should put the most important facts from our professional life, as well as education, skills, courses taken, interests, etc. In writing a professional resume, you will be helped by curriculum vitae writing service.

Types of resumes:

  • chronological - facts are arranged in time, but from the nearest to the farthest;
  • Functional - highlighting accomplishments and experience most useful in the position for which the candidate is applying;
  • Functional - chronological - combining the above two types;
  • Non-traditional - for example, illustrated, with an attached portfolio (in the case of artistic professions, advertising agencies, etc.).

A person reading a resume has about 30 seconds to read one document, and the more attractive the job to fill, the more candidates, the shorter the time. Human Resources will only have to select a few candidates from the many offers sent to them, who will have a chance to appear in person at the interview.

To increase your chances of writing a resume, it pays to adhere to the following rules:


A resume should fit on one A4 page. Two-page resume can afford only people with many years of experience, candidates for a high position. The paragraphs marked with dates should indicate the most important facts: personal data, education, work experience, skills (foreign language, computer skills, etc.), courses taken, interests.


Write your resume on a computer, highlighting individual information graphically (bold or enlarged font, paragraph). However, colors or embellishments are unacceptable.


We write on a white sheet of paper in one of the basic fonts. We provide information in simple and correct Polish. It is important to write in language understandable to the recipient, who does not have to be a specialist in his field, so we do not use abbreviations or professional jargon.

What do I have to keep in mind when writing a CV?

  • Provide only the facts;
  • Put more space in your resume for positions or industries related to the job you are applying for;
  • Don't expect the reader to guess what you are trying to say;
  • Write in the language in which the offer was made.

A well-crafted resume should have the following parts:

  • The title of the resume - placed at the top middle of the page;
  • Personal and contact information;
  • Education - in reverse chronological order;
  • Professional career - also to be presented in reverse chronological order, starting with the job you are currently doing, not with annual start dates or joining dates;
  • Additional information - awards received, specialist courses taken, permits, interests, etc.