Friday, November 16, 2018

$$$ and sense of publishing specialties

Sometimes writers, caught up in the editorial content side of things, forget that publishing is by-and-large a business, with many financially-sensitive cogs in the wheel that ultimately deliver your article to the readers.

Writing for corporation's specialty publications is one career field. According to news figures Corporate America spends $14 billion producing its own publications and another $4 billion to $8 billion in postage to distribute the material. And that's only roughly half of the combined amount generated by the traditional consumer and business-to-business magazines.

Who's spending this money?

Publishing is costing health care, technology and finance businesses $510 million.

What types of publication is the money spent on?

Canyon Media has an excellent article on calculating the costs of Custom-publishing a quarterlymagazine, on average here.

The marketing and public relations departments of corporations handle the majority of custom publishing in-house.

Tip: Marketing and public relations departments need employees with writing skills.

Typically, companies produce 1.82 unique publications, each at an average frequency of 6+ times. If publications are aimed at non-company audiences, approximately 50,000 copies (20+ pages each) are printed and three quarters of those are in four-color.

Companies spend, annually, a billion dollars on these publications. Advertisers add millions to the publishing pot.

Michelle Goodman's
The Anti 9-5 Guide has an article on freelancing titled, "Do you need a freelance Portforlio site?

Associations and freelancing
National Association of Publisher's Representative (NAPR)

The Editorial Freelancers Association's site offers courses on medical copy-editing, grammar and usage, editing footnotes, picture research, interviewing and breaking into corporate communications. Followlinks, and discover a wide variety of markets, too.

For more writing and publishing information visit Access The World and Write Your Way To $$$ and Ultimate Internet Writers Directory.

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