Wednesday, June 4, 2014

RSS Feed ~ How it Works and What it Can Accomplish

Internet Writing Workshop member, Nichespur, offers additional information about making use of RSS feeds:
"RSS feed is a snippet of computer code that your readers can choose to "subscribe to", which sends them (your readers) a notification, (in your browser and email if that option is selected) that something has changed on your website. Translation: both the author and the reader agree to have a form of spyware installed on their computers. Twitter functions in much the same way. This allows you to attract viewers, and interested parties to keep in touch with what you are doing without having to go back to websites that never change.

Both RSS Feeds and twitter increase the bandwidth your webpage is generating, Increased bandwidth equates to increased importance on the internet so your websites will pop up more often, or nearer the top, in the search engines too.

KDP authors page means a Kindle Direct Publishing website you can develop on the Amazon servers IF you publish eBooks through them.

So who should use RSS feeds? Probably anybody who has a blog that is trying to attract and keep more readers....of the blog that is. Personal experience though, shows me this won't necessarily equal more books sales. Although I must say, Montana Scribbler's blog site explores so many interesting topics, besides writing, that it makes me want to read some of her other writing too. So her blog might actually work as intended. So Good job there Mona and I'm working on my blog contribution too. Write on!"     Nichespur.

You can find the RSS feeds you are connected to between "Favorites" and "History" on your IE Browser.

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