Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Are You Spending Your Money Wisely on Book Promotion?

If you had to spend money to promote your book, what do you think is the best way to spend it in terms of getting people to buy your book?

Authors have differing opinions and advice, naturally. Robin Cain and Cindy Dwyer are members of Internet Writing Workshop, the premier writing list. Based solidly on experience, their viewpoints are worth considering, given the current book marketplace.

Robin Cain said, "Reviews by bloggers, giveaways, Goodreads, guest blogs, your own blog, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Yahoo book review groups - they're all free. And, yes, a quality author website with sample chapters, links to buy, book trailer, etc. is a must in today's world. That's one investment you can't cheap out on."

Robin's latest book, When Dreams Bleed examines temptation and the ensuing consequences in a contemporary world. It’s no secret that dreams come at a price, but what happens When Dreams Bleed?

Robin lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband, two dogs, three horses and donkey. As a novelist and regular contributing writer for an online publication, she spends her days searching for the perfect words to amuse.

Coming soon - advice from Cindy Dwyer.

Internet Writing Workshop, IWW also includes Writing, the list where members of all the above lists touch base to discuss writing-related subjects, and post "Yahoos."
"The Workshop is open to all styles and genres of writing: literary fiction, genre fiction, poetry, children's writing, essays, newspaper articles, scripts, you name it. Members do not need to be published writers, only to be serious about writing and about wanting to improve."

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