Sunday, April 24, 2016

Highly Recommended Book for Writers of all Genre's

“Self-Editing for Fiction Writers”, by Renni Browne and Dave King is one book highly recommended by many authors on Internet Writing Workshop.

Peter Bernhart summed it up this way
,“The authors point out that writing and editing are two different skills. True. However, both skills are necessary for today's writer who shoots for a publishable manuscript. You have to be able to wear both hats, though not at the same time. So for me, this gem of a book is absolutely essential reading for anyone aspiring to become a professional writer/author.”
Peter's books include, The Stasi File, 2011 ABNA Quarter Finalist, Kiss of The Shaman's Daughter (sequel), and Red Romeo. 
Enjoy Peter's Amazon page and his website: Writing Among Sedona's Red Rocks.

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