Monday, June 20, 2011

ISBN, e-Books and Amazon

Read Bowker's website and you'll quickly see that you can buy a single ISBN for $125 (or 10 for $250). You'll also see that each different format of book requires its own ISBN (print vs. audio vs. ebook, etc.) It's wise to have an ISBN even if your distributor doesn't require it (such as Amazon.)

It appears that you register your book format at the time you buy the ISBN,
and the cataloging information you register is how to tell if the book is
electronic, paper, etc.

However, Bob Sanchez said that Amazon's CreateSpace (
charges nothing for an ISBN unless you want to be able to transfer that same ISBN to another publisher.
"I've published *Little Mountain,, with Amazon's CreateSpace and paid nothing for the ISBN. For the Kindle edition, they automatically assigned a free ASIN."

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